Dangers of Custom ERPs

Addressing 5 Common Fears About Custom ERP Systems


Worldwide, most ERP systems available are generic in nature with little to no industry-specific specialization. While those that offer customization may not perfectly align with your business needs and lead to massive funds, it is understandable to have your doubts prior to opting for customization. In fact, we frequently encounter clients who fear customization due to the stereotypical drawbacks associated with such ERPS:



Huge Investments: Allocation of resources – monetary and workforce-specific, is a common issue among commodity businesses. This is due to the limitations towards these resources in SMEs and the pressure to generate quicker results within shorter timelines. However, businesses such as Ennero, Axiom Global, PJS group and others vouch for Robo-Commodity, as a cost-effective solution. Vendor Support: Vendor inabilities to tackle custom ERP challenges and lack of customer support during crisis is worrisome. However, overshadowing the lack of competency of one ERP vendor to all may cause your business to miss out on a life-changing opportunity. For instance, we offer unparalleled 24/7 customer support through a team of 325+ techno-functional experts.

Upgrade Process: Will upgrading a customized ERP be a time-consuming process? Would I lose data or key functions during the process? What happens when the developer of my customized ERP leaves the company? – Are these questions likely to bother you as well? At Robosoft Solutions, we take into consideration every customized feature and its future implications during the ERP design and implementation stages itself. Unlike most generic ERP systems, Robo-Commodity is a Microsoft- certified and specialized Commodity Management ERP that may require minimal customizations to suit your business goals. This allows us to offer customers a stress-free upgrade process and prevent data loss or errors eventually. Budget for upgrades: Custom-ERP systems upgrades are often considered expensive as well. As a result, SMEs often fear the risk of system crashes and bugs resulting from delays in the standard capital allocation approval process. While most custom-ERP upgrades are bound to strain your IT budget, Robo-Commodity promises cost-effective upgrades. In fact, our ERP is also awarded for Best Value by Software Suggest.

Staff Training: A highly customized ERP is certain to demand a highly trained staff. As a result, commodity businesses worry about system and project downtime, when these specialized personnel would no longer work with the company. While a circumstance as such is unavoidable, it can be coped with in an efficient manner. For instance, as Robo-Commodity is built exclusively for the Oil & Gas, Metals, Agri, Chemicals, and Polymer industries; the customizations are uncomplicated and easy to use. Furthermore, the thorough support offered by our team will ensure new employees are fully trained to understand and manage the system conveniently. Overall, having been built on Microsoft Dynamics 365, ensures that data transfer and recovery is conducted swiftly and securely.



It is understandable that most businesses prefer a zero-customization ERP. However, it is worth noting that ‘one solution is never fit for all’ as every business have distinctive goals and needs. Hence, it’s advisable and safe for commodity businesses to customize their ERP at a certain degree to achieve set targets and scale success.

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