
Commodity Market after Covid19 – 5 points guide

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In this article we want to discuss about how the commodity market tend to shape after Covid-19

  1. It is inevitable that every manual activity weather its sorting, trading, monitoring, and reporting must be on a single online platform which is resilient, scalable, contractable or configurable as per volume of commodity trade and traders.
  2. Draw detailed insight on all external factors like competitors, interest rates and US Dollars, stock and demand speculations, futures market performance, cost, and technological impact.
  3. Diversity in portfolio may help you go through unprecedented shocks and stalls. Be it metal trading, energy trading, agricultural trading or fertilizer trading, your commodity trading should be backed by historical statistics and trends.

In this case, there are three important points to be considered –

  • A robust commodity trading software (aka CTRM or ETRM) which can pull out sale and purchase reports, dealer-wise, trade-wise, vendor-wise, and so on.
  • Experienced traders who can anticipate about risks and prepare a diverse portfolio beyond to encapsulate social, trade, geographical, political factors for shortlisting product stake.
  • Put in place a hedging strategy to protect against any price fluctuation.

4. Rectify any supply chain inadequacy that may affect your fulfillments as during these lockdown times as the transactional load is at minimum but as the business slowly resumes, your business model will be full-fledged and uninterrupted.

5. Formulate the provision for Letter of Indemnity or delay acknowledgement if there are any delays due to manpower absence or interrupted logistical movements.

Robosoft Solution has invested last 18 years in preparing and customizing a tailor made and exact solution to match Energy, Metal, Agriculture trading market needs. Feel free to write to us at to know more about our journey.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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