Effective Handling of AGRI DEALS in an Increasingly Dynamic Market

Quick price changes, extensive regulations, volatile markets, and the management of thousands of stakeholders in the trade are making a complex business even more complex for Agri Trading firms.

Amid all these challenges, there is a myriad of multifaceted deals to manage, and, in today’s world, this requires increasingly sophisticated skills and tools.

Agri Trading Companies need easier DEAL management for all partners and commodities.

This is where the Robo Commodities Deal Management module comes in. This solution helps you manage deals throughout their lifecycles using Agri trading -specific terms and conditions. You can get comprehensive support for all your deals, such as those for all of your business partners and for a wide range of “soft” commodities – including corn, wheat, soybeans, coffee, cocoa, sugar, and cotton.

With Robo Commodity’s Deal Management, you can more effectively streamline all deal/contract management processes, control and track expenses related to individual deals, and consolidate complex settlements with your business partners. Plus, you can take advantage of automated high-volume processing with configurable business rules.

This can significantly reduce the number of manual transactions related to each contract, saving you considerable time and effort while improving business-by-exception decisions during contract applications.

This software helps you reduce the complexities of your business with a single solution that provides you with:

· Comprehensive Deal management – Handle all contracts throughout their lifecycles using accurate, agricultural-specific contract terms; automatically execute contract application; and settle contracts for standard and complex scenarios

· Contracts for many types of commodities – Include terms for flexible pricing, time periods, quality criteria, optionalities, and quantity tolerance

· Support for contract amendments, cancellations, washouts, and commingled stock scenarios – Manage multiple contracts with thousands of stakeholders.

· In built risk management software and CRM – Single platform for all your business needs. Also, easy integration with Platts and other exchanges.


With features such as above, you’ll see high trade flexibility, transparency, and scalability, which will allow you to drive more profitability and effective Deal Management for your agricultural commodities business.