Supply Chain Management

Is Your Supply Chain As Efficient As It Seems?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The global supply chain management industry is expected to be valued at $31 Billion by 2026 i.e., 51% rise from 2020. As supply chains across businesses rapidly grow global, so does their complexities. This has caused an exponential rise in extended lead times, out of stock commodities, delayed deliveries and disturbances in production. Whilst commodity supply chain complexities are inevitable, they can be systematically managed with digital trading solutions like an ERP, ETRM or CTRM. While the market is flooded with countless supply chain management tools, hosting the right software is as crucial for receiving desired business results.

Among the many benefits of an ERP are process automation, employee efficiency and smarter data insights. For instance, according to Forbes automation can improve employee productivity by up to 45% and invest their focus on the company’s strategical front. As a result, with better strategy and decision making comes a proficient risk mitigation plan. Here are top three ways how an ERP can help your commodities business mitigate supply chain risks:

Integrate an ERP. Mitigate Supply Chain Risks.

  1. Gain Supplier Trust: Working with a wide portfolio of international suppliers has its own uncertainties. To assist you in identifying the best supplier and sign off cost-effective raw material deals you have Robo-Commodity – our advanced ERP for commodity trading. For instance, our software allows you to sort request for quotation (RFQ) i.e., lead time, price, quality rating, ISO certification, on-hand inventory and supplier performance history. Such features and rich insights, enable commodity traders to find ideal business partners within a shorter span of time.
  2. Timely Customer deliveries: Supply chain complexities make it challenging for managers to identify delivery interruptions. This results in a circle of delayed or inaccurate order fulfilment and could impact negatively on manufacturer-supplier relationships. A sophisticated ERP solution offering a variety of modes and techniques can help facilitate the required precision and efficiency your business needs. Overall, a little help from automation and predictive analytics, can help you streamline your company processes and proficiently meet customer demands.
  3. Supply Chain Management & Visibility: Limited visibility limits efficiency. Managing supply chain operations using traditional methods can be stressful – let alone managing them at a global scale. Lack of visibility regarding damaged machinery and poor inventory tracking across global warehouse locations can cause extensive business losses. Robo-Commodity, fosters the success of global businesses by allows commodity traders manage multiple locations and entities in real-time on a single cloud platform.


We understand digital transformation and finding the right ERP system can be a daunting experience for small and medium scale firms. We’re here to help! Through the years we’ve supported multiple oil & gas, agriculture, and metals traders optimise their supply chain and overall business efficiency. To learn more our Robo-Commodity, feel free to contact us today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1569490505427{border: 2px solid #dd9933 !important;}”][vc_column_text]

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