Microsoft ERP Vs Standard ERP

Microsoft’s ERP Vs Standard ERP For Commodity Trading


Traditionally, oil & gas, agriculture, and metals industries have relied on excel sheets and other manual methods for document management. In fact, the data and document management tools in use also work in silos. For instance, they fail to synchronise data and offer a comprehensive view of all functions in real-time. Succeeding at modern commodity management requires an advanced ERP that integrates all key functions, offers richer data insights, and is cost-effective, like Microsoft’s ERP systems.

With the global ERP market being worth $95 billion, it is understandable to find yourself uncertain of picking the right ERP solution for your business. So, please allow us to clear the air for you! Here is a quick comparative look at why Microsoft’s ERP is a preferred choice by large and small corporations worldwide:


Microsoft Vs Standard ERP. Key benefits of Microsoft ERP


To learn more about our Microsoft certified Commodity trading software – Robo-Commodity, schedule a FREE consultancy session with us today.


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