
Is this time to revisit your supply chain following Covid 19 risk?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, most of us are stuck in realizing right action at these times of supply chain crisis which is creating economical turmoil. Due to the restriction in movement of goods, demand and supply of grains, metal, polymers and any such commodity trading have seen a steep fall. For companies who exclusively trade in Oil and Petrochemicals are amidst fear and still trying to ascertain the market correction values. But visionary companies who have prepared their IT infrastructure as per future anomalies are at better position as they will be first to shoot back as soon as demand resumes.

The most common approach is to use the bill of materials and focus on key components. It typically starts with the top five products by revenue and goes down to their component suppliers, and their suppliers, ideally, all the way down to raw materials suppliers. The goal should be to go down as many tiers as possible, because there may be hidden critical suppliers the buying firm is not aware of. The map should also include information about which activities a primary site performs, the alternate sites the supplier has that could perform the same activity, and how long it would take the supplier to begin shipping from the alternate site.

In order to estimate potential disruption and be prepared with resilience, strong data and analytical capabilities are required. An end to end business solution can help your system to mobilise and plan risk, sense the demand, analyse your purchase trends and optimise your analytical operations which will help mitigating commodity pricing volatility.

At this time Traders, Supply chain Managers, Procurement executives, Chief Accountants, IT heads need to sit together and find out an optimal business solution for your company to erase the gaps between tools, systems, people, information, processes to prepare for disruptive events in future and align the goals of company with procurement or for supply chain management.

Don’t know which system works for you? Write to us at: roboenergy@robo-soft.net.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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