Streamline your AGRI trading business on a single cloud-based solution.

Robo-Commodity solution can handle the nuances of all the Agri commodities with a single modular cloud-based solution, but why does this matter?

Using a single platform means data availability and processing will be fasting also newly developed features are applied to everyone and available to all clients as soon as they are released. So, for example, a feature that could benefit both grains and dairy can be rolled out to all these clients simultaneously and quickly. Updates are also faster as they only need to be applied once, rather than for clients individually, meaning that developers have more time to focus on new features.  And implementations for new clients are much faster as they require customization not a completely new system.

Faster implementations and development combine with shared cloud hosting costs to makes Robo-Commodity Solution more cost-effective than older locally installed systems. And maintenance work is carried out centrally by Robo-soft Solutions, meaning a reduced investment of your IT team’s time as well as a reduced hardware investment.

Managing multiple agricultural commodities on Robo-Commodity provides a wide range of benefits for our clients. Possibly the most significant of all is the flexibility and configurability of this model allows us to treat each client not only as a distinct commodity class with its own processes, but as a unique business. One that may be managing the same assets but still has very different operating procedures from others in its field.

Contact us and get your 30 minute free consultation today!