
Supporting Burger King India’s IPO Journey.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We take this opportunity to share the good news that Burger King India recently raised an IPO and is on the path to continue succeeding as one of India’s largest fast food chain brand. As a technological partner, it gives us immense joy to have supported Burger King India towards achieving this milestone.

We truly thank Mr. Kiran Komatla, SVP IT – Burger King India Limited., and his team, for their faith in Robosoft Solutions and our advanced software applications. Owing to Robosoft Solutions’ significant contributions towards Burger King’s technological infrastructure through the years, we received the below note of gratification from Mr. Komatla and his team.


BurgerKing Appreciation Post |


At Robosoft, helping customers achieve their business goals is our mission, and satisfied customers motivate us to continue delivering exceptional results.

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