Tag: Diesel trading

  • 5 Unavoidable Risks Stressing Out Diesel & Lubricant Traders.

    5 Unavoidable Risks Stressing Out Diesel & Lubricant Traders.

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the world of commodity trading, diesel and lubricants are among the fastest growing energy commodities. According to a recent study, the global diesel market is expected to grow by $92.15 billion by 2024. Additionally, keeping pace with diesel, is the lubricants market that is set to see an increase of $87.1 billion by…

  • Your Business Could Face A $2Million Trading Error Too!

    Your Business Could Face A $2Million Trading Error Too!

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ComTech recently highlighted an alarming incident of how a commodity trader incurred a $2 million trading loss due to a minor inaccuracy while working with spreadsheets. While an occurrence as such may sound rare; 70% commodity traders using spreadsheets admit to have battled minor financial and operational errors at least once in their lifetime. For…