Tag: ERP partners

  • Choose the best productivity tool for your business – Microsoft Dynamics

    Choose the best productivity tool for your business – Microsoft Dynamics

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the current times of COVID-19 scenario, businesses are facing connectivity problems for example connecting to field service, connecting to client’s support, connecting to sales/support staff, building a responsive and intelligent supply chain and use all these pies to create a remote factory which responds to needs of global stakeholders. Microsoft Dynamics tools helps businesses…

  • Oil price crisis and how to optimise operations – Storage, Processing and Trading Industry

    Oil price crisis and how to optimise operations – Storage, Processing and Trading Industry

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The sudden economic fall has brought stakeholders from oil refinery, processing, storage and distribution Industries into action on how to manage costs in uncertain oil and petrochemical fluctuation. Many multinational chemical processing companies have taken support of information technology to optimize production efficiency for high value products like lubricants, diesel, bitumen, sulphur, jet fuels etc.…