Data Analytics

Why Only 4% Traders Achieve Success Through Data Analytics?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]While 75% businesses understand the importance of data & advanced analytics, only 4% of them are able to successfully experience its true potential. So, what could be stopping the rest? It’s advanced technology! In fact, three quarter businesses lack the skillset and technology to extract insightful information from big data.

Within the commodity trading industry, majority businesses lack the digital capabilities to stay competitive and make smarter decisions. Right from evaluating commodities contracts to forecasting market conditions – an intelligent ERP software is at the core of smart decision making in real time. While several commodity traders extensively rely on tally and spread sheets for their daily tasks, a minor error by these tools could cause unimaginable damage. For instance, a simple cell formula error cost a commodity trader a $2 Million trading error. In fact, even a big name like JP Morgan Chase experienced a loss of $6 billion due to a simple spreadsheet error.

Thus, we developed Robo-commodity, to help commodity traders like yourself make healthy business decisions and conduct hassle-free trades. In return, helping you save time, enhance your productivity and have an edge in the competitive marketplace.


How Robo-Commodity Supports Data-Driven Commodity Trading?

Robo-Commodity FeaturesRobo-Commodity Features

  • Single Window Application: Robo-commodity is a single window ERP software that is built on Microsoft Dynamics ERP platform. The platform unifies and offers a holistic view of business processes such as Deal Management, Inventory Management, Document Management, Risk Management, Financial Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, In-depth Reporting & Analysis among other tasks.
  • Insightful Reports: More than 10 insightful reporting and analysis format are available along with audit trails, compliance, and regulatory reporting on the system. Thus, helping you make quick and well-informed decisions at any given time.
  • Mobile Application: Middle or higher-level management can access real-time reports, process transactions & give approvals with a single tap using the Deal Mobile App. Thus, making the entire trading process simple and convenient.
  • External Data Integration: Our ERP Solution allows traders to synchronise their external data sources such as, broker statements, excel sheets etc. to find actionable strategies in a collated form.
  • Eliminate Errors: Automating your business processes limits the need for human intervention. Hence, minimising the scope for potential errors that result from spreadsheets and other forms of documentation managed manually.
  • Automate Other Functions: Receiving confirmations, provisional settlements and cash flow analysis in a matter of minutes can have a big impact. Especially, in demanding scenarios such as preparing a risk mitigation plan.
  • Manage geographies and entities: Managing separate ERP applications region-wise or for each currency can make financial management challenging. With Robo-Commodity, one can receive a holistic view of the various entities and regions in real time.
  • Workflow System: We recently highlighted the importance of having an effective workflow system to improve visibility, managerial competence and align budgetary target across the operational hierarchy. Through our best-in-class ERP Solution, you can limit authorisation, and review confidential reports and deals.

Business Models Supported By Robo-Commodity

  • Back-to-back Commodity Trading
  • Bunker Management & Trading
  • Paper Trading
  • Physical Stock with Hedging

To learn more about Robo-commodity and how it can help foster insightful decision making for your business, get in touch with us today. You can also read what commodity traders like Axiom Global and Ennero have to say about Robo-Commodity and its advantages.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1569490505427{border: 2px solid #dd9933 !important;}”][vc_column_text]

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