
Workflow Management: The Stairway To Organisational Success.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]While every commodity trader is determined to scale new heights by optimising their efficiency and reducing costs – a handful are able to successfully achieve it. Ever wondered what could be stopping you? Most likely an effective Workflow Management System!

While most commodity traders focus extensively on the larger business aspects such as cash flow, sales and overall brand presence; they often overlook the finer and most crucial elements i.e. an aligned organisational workflow.


Importance Of A Workflow Automation System

According to Smart Sheet, a workflow is a predefined structure that covers steps or a complex series of events that must occur in accordance with the rules and requirements defined by the organisation. While several commodity traders manage their workflow manually, it’s proven that a little assistance from technology can go a long way. For instance, employees spend around 40% of their time sorting documents manually, which otherwise with automation could be utilised more productively. Simultaneously, research suggests that 20% of a CEOs work schedule can be automated as well.

It is therefore, worthwhile noting that while minimising costs is essential to several small and medium commodity traders; investing in the right software can help boost organisational growth, employee productivity, and run everyday operations efficiently.

Need Of The Hour

In fact, having a workflow system in place can also eliminate redundant errors and contribute to quicker and smarter decision-making. Here’s how a systematic approach as such can be beneficial to your business:

  • Improved Visibility: As all the processes are synchronized, managers can receive an insight into the finer details of every project. This can help them identify the potential bottlenecks that could hinder the success of the project.
  • Managerial Competence: An automated workflow system allows managers to better focus on their core responsibilities instead of operations. Thus, contributing to strategic development of their team and the growth of the organisation.
  • Project Ownership: A systematic workflow offers employees a better understanding of their designated tasks, timelines and approval pattern. This makes employees more responsible and simplifies the process of project management for managers.
  • Clear Communication: Effective communication is the secret to a well-coordinated team. Hence, unproductive conflicts can be escaped when employees and managers share common goals with a workflow software, like Robo-commodity.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Satisfied customers drive long-term partnerships and positive brand image for a business. As workflows minimise predictable errors and align business functions, employees can track and respond to customer queries and feedback more promptly.

Unsure how other commodity traders are aligning their workflow? Read Axiom Global’s case study or speak to one of our experts today.

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