Tag: Commodity Trading Software

  • 10 Tips For Selecting And Adopting Commodity Trading Software (CTRM)

    10 Tips For Selecting And Adopting Commodity Trading Software (CTRM)

    Commodity trading software (risk management) or CTRM, transaction, and risk management software is specialized software used by organizations to manage everything to do with the buying, selling, moving, and delivering of commodities like grains, metal, oil, electricity, and more. As these commodities are usually traded on platforms like a stock exchange, their values are known…

  • Commodity Trading Forecast 2021: Key Market Insights

    Commodity Trading Forecast 2021: Key Market Insights

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] While we bid adieu to 2020 – a rollercoaster of a year, many are curious of what 2021 holds in store! Will the negative oil prices take longer to recover? Will the market experience stagnancy? Or will the new year pave a brighter path for commodity trading? Allow us to clear the air for you!…

  • Digital Technology Steels The Show In Metals Trade!

    Digital Technology Steels The Show In Metals Trade!

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Through the years, the metals industry has made significant investments in process control and optimization. However, most steel and metals manufacturer have been slow to harnessing the true potential of digitalisation. As a result, only 10% traders break even and 10% yield profits. Rapid innovation in data analytical tools, commodity trading software, mobile technology…

  • Why Commodity Traders Are Losing Massive Money?

    Why Commodity Traders Are Losing Massive Money?

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Through the years, commodity trading has gained enormous admiration as a great investment and flourishing industry. According to research, the global commodities marketplace is valued at over $20 trillion p.a. with crude oil worth $1.7 trillion, alone. However, given the complexities involved several commodity traders especially SMEs are at a high risk of trading…

  • 5 Unavoidable Risks Stressing Out Diesel & Lubricant Traders.

    5 Unavoidable Risks Stressing Out Diesel & Lubricant Traders.

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the world of commodity trading, diesel and lubricants are among the fastest growing energy commodities. According to a recent study, the global diesel market is expected to grow by $92.15 billion by 2024. Additionally, keeping pace with diesel, is the lubricants market that is set to see an increase of $87.1 billion by…

  • Why Only 4% Traders Achieve Success Through Data Analytics?

    Why Only 4% Traders Achieve Success Through Data Analytics?

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]While 75% businesses understand the importance of data & advanced analytics, only 4% of them are able to successfully experience its true potential. So, what could be stopping the rest? It’s advanced technology! In fact, three quarter businesses lack the skillset and technology to extract insightful information from big data. Within the commodity trading industry,…

  • Your Business Could Face A $2Million Trading Error Too!

    Your Business Could Face A $2Million Trading Error Too!

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ComTech recently highlighted an alarming incident of how a commodity trader incurred a $2 million trading loss due to a minor inaccuracy while working with spreadsheets. While an occurrence as such may sound rare; 70% commodity traders using spreadsheets admit to have battled minor financial and operational errors at least once in their lifetime. For…